Exton Church, Rutland - St Peter & St Paul
We welcome villagers and visitors to worship in our beautiful church building. We are a small but enthusiastic congregation and the church is much loved by the village, whether church-goers or not.
Many generations of villagers are buried in the churchyard which is beautifully maintained by volunteers. The church is a very popular wedding venue because of its size, its beautiful location and its proximity to Exton Hall where receptions can be held.
The church is one of Simon Jenkin's 1000 Best Churches and information about the monuments, some by Nollekens and Grinling Gibbons, is readily available on the internet and in the church booklet.
You can be assured of a warm welcome at St Peter and St Pauls, Exton.
Morning service
Every second Sunday at 11:15 AM for 1 hour
Holy Communion
Every fourth Sunday at 11:15 AM for 50 minutes
Edward Heckels: extonchurch@gmail.com
Bernadette Wallace: bernie.wallace@btinternet.com
Exton Village website: www.exton.org (opens new window)